Well, what an insightful day the team here at RESIDE had during the trip to London to attend this year’s Propertymark One.
For those who do not know, Propertymark is the leading membership body in the UK for all property agents, big or small, sales or lettings. They provide us with professional credibility and help businesses in the sector be equipped with the tools and training needed to tackle all the hurdles we face and provide us with the ability to grow our professional knowledge, allowing us to gain valuable and nationally recognised qualifications within the industry so you can trust us with your homes.

Since its inception last year, Propertymark One was back again to gather many familiar and influential speakers within the industry to provide us all with their valuable insight into the market over the coming months. With an election on the horizon, we were told all about how this is looking to shape the market over the next 6 months and what this means for us all.

Alongside some incredible talks on the main stage, there were also a host of ‘breakout’ rooms throughout the day which delved further into the nuances of the industry, and focussed on topics the speakers specialised in. Talks here included the way that AI may be changing the way we in the property landscape do business in the future, the benefits of marketing not only our properties but our personalities and knowledge of the market and showcasing industry insights, and the way we brand our business to stand out and be ahead of competitors.
One of these sessions was co-hosted by our very own GM, Toby Martin. Toby and his band of property marketing pros gave us all a valuable look at what it takes to become a ‘marketing superhero’, and gave an amazing insight into the reasons why we as property experts, shouldn’t be all sell sell sell when it comes to social media and our online presence, but become more tell tell tell. Tell the potential landlord or home buyer why we should be the ones they chose to come to through telling our audience about the trends in the market and becoming a place people come to for knowledge within the market. Tell everyone who we are as individuals. People buy from people and we want people to feel they can approach us, know us and trust us before they’ve even stepped foot into our office.

The whole team here are bursting with excitement at being within this market over the coming months. This year’s Propertymark One was a great day, and we can’t wait to be back next year. With the general election brewing and almost upon us, with potentially a new party coming in for the first time in 14 years, the market is due to see some new, and hopefully welcome, changes. We look forward to sharing all this with you as we find out more.
(p.s. We got to see location, location, locations’ one and only Phil Spencer in person!)

If you want to list your rental property with us, find a new place to rent, or begin searching for your new home to buy, then get in touch with our team. All details can be found in the ‘contact’ tab above. We can’t wait to hear from you.